Save the date: Tackling the talent shortage with Finnish and Swedish skills - a Kielibuusti event 5 November 2024 at 14-16

Join the closing event of the project onsite at Aalto University campus in Espoo or watch a live stream.
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Welcome to attend the Kielibuusti event Tackling the talent shortage with Finnish and Swedish skills on Aalto University campus in Espoo!

In the increasingly international work life, effective practices are needed to support multilingualism and the learning of national languages. To answer this need, Kielibuusti has created an open and free of charge website to support language learning. The website compiles practical models, materials, and tools developed in the project. The website serves several audiences: international talents living in Finland, those planning to move here, language teachers, work communities, study and career advisors, and other professionals working in international affairs.

Preliminary programme 5 November 2024

  • at 14-15 Finnish and Swedish skills to tackle talent shortage (this section is streamed)
    • Welcome speech, Ilkka Niemelä, President of Aalto University
    • Speech (video), Sari Multala, Minister of Science and Culture
    • Keynote speech, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Executive in Residence, Aalto University / Spouse of the President of the Republic of Finland
    • The significance of language skills to the international talents and oganisations - interview of Doctor of Science (Tech.) Siamäk Naghian, CEO of Genelec Oy and Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Alum of the Year 2020
  • at 15-16 Networking with some small bites for the on-site participants

The programme will be updated during autumn. Finnish, Swedish and English are used during the event. Please notice that on-site participants may be seen on the live stream. 


Register to participate the event! You can participate wither on-site in Otaniemi or watch a live stream. The on-site event has a limited number of seats.

Registration to the on-site event.

Registration to watch the live stream.

What happens after the year 2024? 

The Kielibuusti project is approaching its end, but the work it has started in higher education institutions, workplaces and society will continue. will continue to serve everyone interested in supporting the learning of Finnish and Swedish, as well as to create sustainable careers for international professionals in Finland.

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