Study counsellors in higher education

Study counsellors in higher education

Here you can find tools for raising international students’ awareness of the importance of Finnish or Swedish language skills in working life. With these materials, students can plan their language studies and find effective language study methods.

Two persons talking and looking at the screen of a mobile phone.

Make a language learning plan (Language-PSP)

A tool to discuss language proficiencies and career planning.

Study counsellors in higher education
Three persons are talking together.

Multilingual practises in guidance

Videos on multilingualism and language practices in guidance work.

Career counsellors
Two persons are sitting at a table and discussing.

Integration counselling

Work permits, citizenship, the recognition of a foreign qualification and integration training

Integration and language tests
Two students are walking in the corridor. They are smiling.
Education planners in higher education
Hands are holding a pen and there's a notebook on the table.

Language boosts at the higher education institution – case study

How Metropolia started to develop language learning.

Education planners in higher education
Two students walking and talking in the corridor.

Language mentor as a helper to higher education students

Language mentor supports and encourages international students.

Education planners in higher education
A student and a teacher are talking to each other at the table. There's a laptop on the table.

Language proficiency requirements for different professions

List of regulated professions and qualification and language proficiency requirements.

Assessing the language skills of the employee
Two students are coming down the stairs.

CEFR: European language skill levels

Are you looking for a suitable language course? Would you like to assess your language proficiency?

Integration and language tests
Hands are holding a pen and there's a notebook on the table.

Language tests and integration

Information about the “YKI test” (National Certificate of Language Proficiency), proficiency levels A1-C2 and language requirements for different professions

Learn Finnish

See also

Internship advisors

Materials and models to support language learning during internships.

The student is smiling and chatting with the teacher at a table. The student looks at the smiling teacher with a pen in her hand. There are some sheets of paper and a computer on the table.

Course location search

Find educational institutions all around Finland with Finnish and Swedish language courses.

A person is writing notes on a laptop.

Kulttuuriosaajan toimintamalli (external link)

Toimintamalli auttaa maahanmuuttajataustaisia sairaanhoitajia sekä sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoita integroitumaan työelämään ja yhteiskuntaan.

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