Language tests and integration

Language tests and integration

Are you looking for information about the YKI test (National Certificate of Language Proficiency) or wondering what the language skill levels A1-C2 mean? This site also provides information on integration-related topics such as learning Finnish or Swedish in integration training, work permits and how to apply for citizenship.

Two students sit in the front row, one looking at the teacher and the other at a computer.

Language certificates

National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI) and the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificates (VKT)

Language tests and integration
Two students are coming down the stairs.

CEFR: European language skill levels

Are you looking for a suitable language course? Would you like to assess your language proficiency?

Language tests and integration
A student and a teacher are talking to each other at the table. There's a laptop on the table.

Language proficiency requirements for different professions

List of regulated professions and qualification and language proficiency requirements.

Language tests and integration
Two persons are sitting at a table and discussing.

Integration counselling

Information about work permits, applying for citizenship, the recognition of a foreign qualification and about integration training.

Integration and culture
Two students walking and talking in the corridor.

Integration training

Information about integration training and its contents as well as instructions for applying to the training

Integration and culture

See also

Language learning tips and advice

Tips for learning Finnish in everyday life and at work.

Course location search

Find educational institutions all around Finland with Finnish and Swedish language courses.

A person is writing notes on a laptop.

Self study

Learn Finnish with online materials.

A woman and a man are sitting at a table. There is a notebook and a computer on the table.
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