Language learning tips and advice

Language learning tips and advice

How to learn Finnish in everyday life? Make use of the tips and tricks about using your developing Finnish skills from day one.

A woman is sitting at a table, smiling and looking at her phone.

Assess your language skills

With Kielibuusti's self-assessment tool, you can determine your current Finnish language level.

Language learning tips and advice
A lot of young people have gathered to watch sledging.

34 tips for learning Finnish

Tips for learning Finnish in everyday life.

Language learning tips and advice
A person is using a laptop. There are study materials on the table and the person is sitting at the table.

Myth Busters

Is Finnish really the world's hardest language? And is it pointless to learn Finnish if you're planning to leave soon? Check out this section for a positive and myth-free perspective on learning Finnish.

Language learning tips and advice

Become a language learning catalyst

Take simple, creative steps to boost your Finnish learning at work – and end up transforming your company's approach to language

Language learning tips and advice
People gathered around a table and discussing.

Learn Finnish at work place

The best way to learn the language of your field is at work.

Language learning tips and advice
A woman in the audience smiles and looks ahead.

Language cafes and learning with a friend

Tips for learning Finnish with a friend.

Language learning tips and advice
There is along queue of parked cars between the houses. Each house has a Finnish flag in its flagpole.

Get to know Finnish culture and society

Listen to podcasts or study online and learn about Finnish culture, working life and studying in Finland.

Language learning tips and advice

See also

Course location search

Find educational institutions all around Finland with Finnish and Swedish language courses.

A person is writing notes on a laptop.

Search self study material

Choose a way to study Finnish online to best suit you.

A student with a phone in her hand and headphones on is sitting at a table.

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Language learning tips, ideas and news!

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