Care sector

This page contains materials and tips for learning Finnish in the care sector. The materials are mainly in Finnish.

Nainen hoitajan työvaatteissa.
Hands. Lingonberries in the right hand and blueberries in the left hand.

Tehtäväpaketti hoitoalan työharjoitteluun (external link)

Nämä hoitoalan harjoittelua tukevat tehtävät on tehty osana Korko-projektia. Tekijät: Ella Hakala & Johanna Granlund, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu.

Hands are starting to write something on a post-it note.
Learn Finnish at work
Image from remote site:

Finnish for the care sector - Osaamisen paikka (external link)

In the learning environment, you can practise Finnish language and working life skills in the care sector.


Dialogues in acute care (external link)

"DIALOGIA – Acute care in three language" guide includes dialogues that show how the nurse meets the patient and relatives and works with the care team.

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