Learn Swedish


Learning Swedish in Finland differs from learning Swedish in Sweden. Here you get some insights into how!

Suzanne Innes-Stubb in a grey patterned suit holds papers. Behind them is a stage background with Kielibuusti logo.

Hurdant är det att leva på svenska i Finland?

Se videor med internationella experter som lärt sig svenska i Finland i det öppna webbmaterialet Sidu! Det svenska i Finland. Det finns intervjuer i alla moduler som handlar om en region. 

Sidu! Det svenska i Finland online resource on Swedish in Finland in Thinglink


Read our trainees’ experiences about learning Swedish in Finland.

Jonathan sitter på en grå stol med benen korsade, håller en smartphone, med ballonger och band i bakgrunden.
Kirjoittaja Olga

See also

Voices of Successful Swedish Integration (external link)

Stories from others who have chosen to integrate in Swedish and done it successfully. Videos by Luckan.

Two people talking on a sunlit forest path, one in a brown shirt and jeans, the other in a light dress and sandals.

Living in two languages in Finland - BBC World Service (external link)

Video about the bilingual city Hanko/Hangö in southern Finland made by journalist Erika Benke.

Hands. Lingonberries in the right hand and blueberries in the left hand.

Sidu! Det svenska i Finland online resource on Swedish in Finland in Thinglink (external link)

Sidu! is an open and free online resource on the Swedish language in Finland that you can use for self-study or in your teaching. Thinglink does not require login.

Sidu! logo

Sidu! Det svenska i Finland online resource on Swedish in FInland in DigiCampus (external link)

Sidu! is an open and free online resource on the Swedish language in Finland that you can use for self-study or in your teaching. DigiCampus requires a login (e.g. HAKA).

Sidu! logo
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