
Gateway to learning Finnish and Swedish

A free of charge information platform and resource bank. The website is produced with the support from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

A group of people sit and listen to a woman standing in the middle with a microphone in her hand.

News and events

News and events

Henkilö istuu pöydän ääressä ja käyttää kannettavaa tietokonetta. Tietokoneella näkyy sumeasti videokeskustelu.


The Kielibuusti blog posts discuss language learning from different perspectives. The blog posts are available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Four persons are talking next to a wall. There is a large sheet of paper with notes and notepads on the wall.

Kielibuusti project

The Kielibuusti website has been developed by five universities as a joint project, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Read more about the project here.