Learn Finnish

List of Kielibuusti learning materials

On this page you can see all learning materials that have been produced in the Kielibuusti project 2021–2024. These learning materials will naturally also appear elsewhere on the kielibuusti.fi website, in their respective subject-related locations. The Kielibuusti project is the producer of the entire kielibuusti.fi website and its contents.
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Learning materials developed by Kielibuusti in alphabetical order

Akateeminen fraasipankki (Phrase bank for academic writing in Finnish)

Available only in Finnish. The Academic phrase bank helps students in writing their bachelor or master's thesis or other academic papers in Finnish. It contains a selection of phrases and paraphrases which are needed for different parts of the thesis writing. Suited for advanced language skill levels (B1-C).

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Phrases for the break room 

The video provides useful phrases for Finnish language learners and tips for colleagues to support language learning. The printable notebook is a practical tool for a multilingual workplace.

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Language learning materials for the care sector

This page contains materials and tips for learning Finnish in the care sector. The materials are mainly in Finnish. Kielibuusti has contributed to the foloowing materials: Hoitajan ja potilaan vuorovaikutusta perushoitotilanteissa, Numeroita hoitotyössä, Suunhoidon materiaaleja. 

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Hotel and restaurant services

Materials and tips (videos) for Finnish language learning in the hotel and restaurant sector. 

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Keskusteluja suomeksi (Conversations in Finnish)

Available only in Finnish. On these videos you can listen to everyday conversations in different locations around Finland. 

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Kielisepät community

Available only in Finnish. Kielisepät is a community for foreigners with Finnish proficiency on levels B2–C. In the Kielisepät community, members can continue to develod thier Finnish skills further. The community created and shares learning resources and meets up in groups and events. 

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Language tips

A large collection of tips for using more Finnish in everyday life. All tips are suitable for different skill levels. 

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Literature classics and cultural history 

Available only in Finnish. A collection of resources for getting to know the history of Finnish literature and culture, with links to uonline materials, articles, videos, films, books and podcasts. 

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Literature podcast

Available only in Finnish. In this podcast, various themes related to Finnish literature are discussed. The podcast is best suited for advanced learners of Finnish who are interested in Finnish fiction and cultural history. The podcast is in Finnish.  

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Opiskele tekstitaitoja (Learn reading and writing skills)

Available only in Finnish. The material produced by Kielibuusti allows you to practice writing and reading skills such as referencing, spelling, reading strategies, and differences between written and colloquial language. The materil is suited for advanced learners on skill levels A2-C. 

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Treenaa ääntämistä - Boost your Finnish pronunciation

(Coming 2025)

Työhaastatteluvideot (Videos for preparing for a job interview)

Available only in Finnish. Go to the materials: 

Tervetuloa työhaastatteluun -videot

Kerro itsestäsi lyhyesti

Online Grammar MOOC  

(Coming 2025)

Learning materials developed with Kielibuusti support

CaptainA / SaySuomi mobile app for practising pronunciation

The mobile app is tailored for beginners in Finnish who want to improve their pronunciation and increase their vocabulary. Users receive immediate feedback on their Finnish pronunciation. The app was developed in cooperation with Aalto University ASR Research Group.

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Conlexis collocation dictionary 

Available only in Finnish. ConLexis is a collocation dictionary that offers information about combinations of words which frequently occur together. ConLexis is particularly useful for advanced learners in writing and clarifying word meanings. Produced in cooperation with University of Oulu, OSAO, University of Helsinki.

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Revita is a website specifically designed for grammar practise, providing grammar and vocabulary exercises from any text uploaded by the user. Produced in cooperation with the University of Helsinki.

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