Learn election terminology: the presidential election
Language tip
Read texts written in Easy Finnish about the presidential election and focus on learning political vocabulary. Read the headlines and make a list of key words. What do these words mean: äänestää, äänioikeus, vaalipäivä and vaalisalaisuus?
Visit this website:
Visit the Tietoa presidentinvaaleista selkokielellä website. Read the voting guide on this site. You should also watch the video about advance voting and the video about voting on election day. Write down any new words.
Tietoa presidentinvaaleista selkokielellä
Näin äänestät vaaleissa ennakkoon |video about advance voting
Näin äänestät vaaleissa vaalipäivänä | video about voting on election day
Visit the vaalit.fi website and type “selkokieli” (“Easy Finnish”) into the search box. You’ll get results related to regional, parliamentary and presidential elections. Click on a headline and read the text. You can also look for other Easy Finnish texts on the internet. For example, you can search for “selkokielinen vaaliohjelma” (“election programme in Easy Finnish”).