Learn Finnish

Learn to talk about your job

Two people are sitting, one holding papers, with a potted plant in the background. One wears a blue-striped shirt, the other a white T-shirt.

Language tip

Beginner level

Practice introducing yourself. Talk about your profession, your place of employment and what you’ve studied. See the accompanying materials for useful phrases. 

Intermediate level

Say something about yourself. Prepare a short speech where you introduce yourself: mention your field of study or your duties at work and talk about your strengths. Check the materials to see what makes a good introduction. Use the speech when you introduce yourself at work or when you want to describe your work to someone.  Practice by reading the speech out loud. 

Advanced level

Continue these sentences: Parasta opiskelussa/työssäni on, että… / Haastavinta työssäni on se, että… / Viihdyn tässä työympäristössä, koska… / Viiden vuoden päästä haluaisin…


Beginner level materials

Talking About Work Experience in Finnish – Työkokemus

Intermediate level materials

Kerro jotain itsestäsi: Hissipuhe
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