Speak and listen Finnish

Speak and listen Finnish

Practise by listening to podcasts and learn about the differences between spoken and written language.

The creators of the literature podcast series: Saija Pyhärinne and Sari Päivärinne.

Literature podcast for advanced Finnish learners

In this podcast, you can listen to various themes related to Finnish literature and cultural history. In Finnish.

Get to know Finnish culture and society
Eevamaija Isoheiniemi, Fanny Saartila, Melagros Jalijali.

Elämää suomeksi podcast

How have students who have moved to Finland learned the language and culture in everyday life, studies and work? Students discuss their experiences.

Learners' stories
Two women talking and drinking coffee at a break room.

Phrases for the break room

Are you coming to eat? Good luck with your work - see you later! With these phrases, you'll get by in the break room.

Field spesific materials

"Puhutsä suomee?" online course (external link)

This online course (in Finnish) helps you to understand spoken Finnish and practice speaking Finnish.


Yle Kielikoulu (external link)

Learn Finnish or Swedish watching Yle programs. Get language support by clicking words in subtitles and let the colors help you to focus your learning on relevant words. You can use Yle Kielikoulu app or the browser.

See also

Language learning tips and advice

Tips for learning Finnish in everyday life and at work.

Course location search

Find educational institutions all around Finland with Finnish and Swedish language courses.

A person is writing notes on a laptop.

Plan your language learning

Assess your language skills and set goals for your language learning.


Draw inspiration from language learners’ experiences

How have others learned Finnish? Read and listen to interesting stories!

Joukko hymyileviä aikuisia pyytää puheenvuoroa viittaamalla kameran edessä seisovalta ohjaajalta.
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