Make a language learning plan (Language-PSP)

Language PSP is a tool that helps language learners discuss language proficiency and related goals as well as a way for teachers and supervisors to raise the issue of language proficiency.
Photo: Rainer Paananen. All rights reserved.

Language PSP (personal study plan) is a tool with which proficiency in the languages of Finland can be discussed as part of study or career planning. The questions of Language PSP will help students to consider and set goals for learning the languages of Finland, either independently or by having discussions with teachers. The most important part is that the student becomes aware of the significance of learning the languages of Finland when they want to find employment in Finland.

Language PSP was originally published in 2022 to support degree programmes conducted in English and international students in higher education institutions, but it has since been utilised in occupational guidance for students studying in degree programmes conducted in Finnish as well.

Language PSP for students

Language PSP for students includes a document that students should carefully fill in themselves before participating in guidance counselling discussions. It takes 5–10 minutes to answer the document.

The instructions for supervisors

The instructions for supervisors include instructions for supervising teachers and other persons participating in student supervision on how to raise the issue of learning the languages of Finland.

The Additional Material

The Additional Material documents includes additional questions, hints, and more that can be used to discuss issues related to language proficiency and to consider the significance of language proficiency (of the languages in Finland) in your future career.

Publications (in Finnish)

Asikainen, T. & Komppa, J. 2023. Kieli-HOPS tueksi korkeakouluopiskelijan urasuunnitteluun ja opinto-ohjaukseen. Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta, 14(2). Saatavilla:

Jäppinen, T. & Kokkonen, A.-R. 2022. Pohja kielitietoiselle työelämälle luodaan jo opintojen aikana. eSignals. Saatavilla

See also

S2 language learning path for international students

The model supports in drawing up curricula and planning language studies.

Kaksi opikelijaa kävelee käytävällä ja hymyilee.

Case study: Enhanced language learning at Metropolia

How Metropolia started to develop language learning.


Language mentor assists international students in language learning

Language mentor supports and encourages international students.

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