Language discussions in the work community

Through language discussions, the work community can jointly consider language practices and support for language learning at the workplace.

Discussion templates to support language discussions in the work community.

For whom:

Discussion chair and the entire work community or team.


 Planning and e.g. 1–1.5 h discussion.


Overview of the current situation in relation to the theme and a plan for future improvements.


The work community becomes more aware of linguistic issues and commits to developing linguistic practices.

Alta löydät kolme keskustelupohjaa työpaikalla käytävien kielikeskustelujen tueksi. Kielikeskustelujen teemoina ovat Työyhteisön kielelliset käytännöt ja Kielenoppimisen tukikeinot sekä Kielenkäyttäjäprofiilit.

Below are three discussion templates to support language discussions at the workplace. The themes of the language discussions include: Linguistic practices of the work community, Support for language learning, and Language user profiles

Select the discussion most appropriate or topical for your work community. You can also have several discussions, for example, as part of the work community development day. 

Language discussions follow a script:

  1. agreeing on discussion language(s)
  2. agreeing on the objectives
  3. introduction to the topic
  4. joint work in pairs or small groups
  5. concluding the discussion: deciding on agreements and actions

Before language discussions 1 and 2: Climbing the steps toward language awareness in the workplace: self-evaluation 

The self-evaluation tool for Climbing the steps toward language awareness in the workplace serves as a basis for future language discussions. Using the survey, determine your work community’s current standing on the steps toward language awareness in the workplace

Language discussion 1: Linguistic practices in the work community

By having this discussion, the work community is made aware of what languages are currently used, and what languages the work community could and would like to use at work. In addition, linguistic challenges in the work community can be brought up, and solutions to how multilingualism and language learning at work could be supported by the community can be discussed.

Language discussion 2: Support for language learning

Through this discussion, the work community identifies the best means of supporting Finnish-learners, finds solutions to language learning problems, and identifies practical measures for implementing support for language learning. In addition, everyone identifies their most natural role for learning the language or supporting the learners.

Language discussion 3: Language User Profiles

With the help of this discussion, participants understand their role in the language learning process and recognise their wishes, needs and feelings related to language learning and use. The discussion increases acceptance and permissive attitudes towards language learning and making mistakes, and strengthens the psychological safety of the work community.

In preparation for the discussion, study the Language User Profiles.

You might be interested in


Steps toward language awareness in the workplace


Model for planning language aware practices. 


As part of developing the organisation's operations, time is reserved for getting to know the model and work community-oriented development. 


Helps set objectives and identify required resources. 


Language User Profiles


Model for understanding needs and emotions related to language.


Getting to know the model: about 15 minutes.


Raises awareness of wishes and circumstances of different language users.


Language solutions for workplaces


Working in Finnish, English or both? Benefits and disadvantages.


Reading time approximately 10 minutes.


Raises awareness of how different language solutions affect the work community.


Language strategy 


Guidelines for drawing up the organisation's language strategy.


Preparation, implementation and monitoring of the strategy.


Highlights the organisation's objectives and provides a basis for actions. 

©2024 Johanna Komppa, Eveliina Korpela, Lari Kotilainen, Salla Kurhila ja Inkeri Lehtimaja

Työyhteisön kielikeskustelut, elokuu 2024, jonka tekijät ovat Johanna Komppa, Eveliina Korpela, Lari Kotilainen, Salla Kurhila ja Inkeri Lehtimaja, on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssillä. Materiaali on saatavilla osoitteessa

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