Learn Finnish

Read political articles written in Easy Finnish

Four people sit at a conference table with microphones. Flags are visible in the background.

Language tip

Beginner level

Read political articles written in Easy Finnish. Visit the page and read the headlines. Find 5–10 new words. 

Politiikasta selkokielellä

Intermediate level

Read the headlines and lead paragraphs. They begin with the words ”Tässä tekstissä kerromme …” (“In this text, we will explain …”).  Pick an interesting article and open it. Read the subheadings and look up any new words. 

Politiikasta selkokielellä

Advanced level

Familiarise yourself with the Politiikasta selkokielellä series. Pick an article and either write a list of key words or draw a mind map for the topic of the article. 

Politiikasta selkokielellä

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