Practising language skills in social situations
Tips for language practice at the workplace
The entire work community
A few minutes and up
A language-learning employee receives opportunities to improve their language skills in the daily life of the workplace.
Even if Finnish is not the primary working language, practices supporting language learning can be created for social situations. Practices may be small routines between colleagues, or they may be more broadly agreed upon in the working teams.
Tips for colleagues supporting language learning
Ask the language learner if they want to speak English or practice Finnish with you. You can also agree that one speaks English while the other answers in Finnish. This presents an opportunity to improve language comprehension skills even when the language learner does not yet have the courage to speak Finnish.
For example, greetings and other routinely repeated things can be said in Finnish, even if the conversation is otherwise in English. In the first few times, you can use Finnish and English expressions in parallel to make the meaning clear. You can gradually increase the number of Finnish expressions as your partner's language skills improve.
Exchange pleasantries in Finnish for five minutes at the beginning of all meetings.
Tips for teams supporting language learning
Agree on the language used in social situations jointly among the team or at the beginning of individual interactions.
If necessary, use multiple languages according to the skills and wishes of each language user.
Adopt the ‘You can practice Finnish with me’ badge.
Display different Finnish-language greetings and phrases at the workplace. You can for example print the Phrases for the break room booklet.
Organise a language café where you can practise Finnish informally. Kielibuusti has drawn up guidelines for universities on how to organise a language café; these guidelines can also be used in the workplace.
You can also designate a Finnish table in the cafeteria, where language learners can sit down and signal to their colleagues that they want to practise speaking Finnish.
A language buddy or language mentor offers a language-learning employee opportunities to practice Finnish and networks that help them integrate into Finland and feel welcome.
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©2024 Johanna Komppa, Eveliina Korpela, Lari Kotilainen, Salla Kurhila ja Inkeri Lehtimaja
Practising language skills in social situations, august 2024, produced by Johanna Komppa, Eveliina Korpela, Lari Kotilainen, Salla Kurhila and Inkeri Lehtimaja, is licensed under a CC-BY Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The material can be found at Photos: All rights reserved.