Career and study advisors and HEIs

Language PSP helps to encourage learning Finnish and Swedish

Kati Järvinen from the University of Helsinki considers Language PSP of the Kielibuusti (Language Boost) project a good way to bring up language skills with international experts.
Kati Järvinen
Kati Järvinen. Photo: Lyyra Virtanen. All rights reserved.

– Of course, learning Finnish and Swedish as an international talent requires individual investment in studying, but also taking responsibility and co-operation between different actors, says Kati Järvinen.

Järvinen works as a Project Planner in the Teaching and Learning Services of the University of Helsinki. Their work includes advising students completing non-degree studies at the Faculty of Education who have completed their degree abroad and wish to obtain teacher qualifications in Finland.

– Sometimes, you notice that people think that your language skills should be perfect before you can complete additional studies or find employment. Language and interaction are essential factors in high-quality early childhood education and care and teaching and, of course, the student must have sufficient language proficiency to cope with Finnish-language studies, but must they have perfect language proficiency? This often comes up, says Järvinen about their encounters with students.

In addition to language courses, language skills also develop in other places where you can use the language, Järvinen points out.

How do you talk about language skills?

In addition to language teachers, others can bring up language skills and guide the learner to set goals for their language learning. For this purpose, Järvinen has used the Language PSP tool created in the Kielibuusti project.

– From the ready-made template, I selected the questions that were relevant to this particular target group. I made them digital and sent the link to the students who answered the questions in advance before our meeting.

The Language PSP helped Järvinen to determine which Finnish course they should direct the students to, and it also helped to reflect on other study objectives.

– It was a great, easy way to bring it up. Although the questions are related to languages, the students started to also talk about their other goals such as what kind of career they would like to have.

Järvinen feels that the Language PSP is an effective part of their guidance meetings and will continue to use it with international students. Students have also been satisfied with the tool.

– It made it clear to the students themselves that language skills are an integral part of qualifications.

Interviewed and written by Lyyra Virtanen.

Tutustu myös

Make a language learning plan (Language-PSP)

A tool to discuss language proficiencies and career planning.


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Suunnitelmallisuus on avain suomen kielen oppimiseen - tukena kieli-HOPS, Kielibuustia 2/5 (external link)

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