Employee language proficiency assessment
Information on the language proficiency requirements of different professions, and language proficiency levels and tests.
Exploring materials according to the needs of the organisation.
Increases understanding of language proficiency assessment in the professional context.
Language proficiency assessment
The most commonly used scale for assessing language skills is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The different levels are described by the abbreviations A1–C2. For example, a jobseeker may indicate B1 as their language skill level. It is useful for the employer to understand what kind of language skills each level represents. Find out more about the language proficiency scale here:
Language skill levels A1–C2
European language proficiency scale CERF
Language tests
You can get an official certificate of your language skills by taking the National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI) test. The YKI test is a language examination for adults which assess general language skills in practical situations. You can also apply for Finnish citizenship with a YKI certificate (Finnish and Swedish language exams). You can find information and instructions on language tests and YKI training websites on Learn Finnish site.
Language learners can also use a self-assessment tool to indicate their language skill level. The self-assessment test is not a formal certificate of language proficiency, but it gives an indication of the kind of communicative situations that the person can cope with. Find out more about the Assess your language skills test on Learn Finnish site.
Language tests: YKI and VKT
National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI) and the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificates (VKT)
Assess your language skills
With Kielibuusti's self-assessment tool, you can determine your current Finnish language level.
Language requirements for different professions
Some professions are regulated in Finland. This means that the law determines what kind of education is required for them. The professional qualifications also specify language requirements. Here you will find guidance on the recognition of foreign qualifications and a list of the eligibility and language requirements for different professions and the authorities that take the decision:
Language proficiency requirements for different professions
List of regulated professions and qualification and language proficiency requirements.
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Language aware recruitment
Instructions for planning and implementing the different stages of language-aware recruitment.
Reserve time to consider language issues.
Improves the attractiveness and employer image of the company, expands the possible pool of recruits and prepares both the applicant and the work community for a smooth start at work.
Language aware orientation
Instructions for taking language into account and supporting language learning in orientation.
Reserving extra time for language issues in orientation.
The new employee learns relevant language in orientation.
Planning language aware orientation
Instructions for planning the orientation for new language-learning employees.
Reserve time to consider language issues in planning the orientation.
Helps understand the language support required in orientation.