Pocketbook for supporting language learning
Method for learning professional language at the workplace.
Language-learning employee and colleagues.
Continuous work and regular discussion of observations.
Links language learning to the employee’s needs and work scenarios.
The pocketbook promotes learning based on the learner's personal needs and observations. Active language observations at the workplace and writing down new words increase the learner’s responsibility for language learning.
There are many workplace scenarios where professional language skills can be learned in practice. The pocketbook helps the employee to observe workplace interaction. They may shadow a colleague, listen to discussion between a colleague and a client, and write down words and phrases. If something is unclear, they can write down words that they failed to understand, and ask colleagues for clarification. This helps them learn appropriate situationally language.
Machine translation tools may be unable to handle field-specific professional vocabulary or translate to a specific context. The risk of translation errors increases when the language learner is unable to find a suitable match for the desired expression. In such scenarios, collegial support is invaluable. The pocketbook also supports memorizing words written down.
The pocketbook complements formal learning offered by language courses. General language skills are acquired in language courses, but the best way to learn field-specific language and language used at one’s own workplace is at the workplace in question. Language teachers may not know differences in linguistic practices of specific fields, which is why colleagues are the best field-specific teachers.
The work community plays a key role in learning professional language. With the help of the pocketbook, the language learner’s colleagues and supervisor can support the individual learner precisely where needed.
Linguistically challenging situations often occur suddenly and asking a colleague for immediate help may be impossible. With the pocketbook, the learner can revise when appropriate.
Many tasks prevent keeping a phone at hand. Using a paper pocketbook helps signal that the employee's actions are related to language learning, and therefore colleagues may offer to assist on the spot.
Joint discussion on language shows where the learner has made progress and where they are struggling. This promotes language awareness and understanding of different stages of language learning across the work community. An encouraging work community is important for creating a positive work culture.
- Tell the employee how to use the pocketbook and when to discuss their observations and questions.
- Discuss typical scenarios and issues on which the employee should pay attention.
- Encourage the employee to actively observe language use at the workplace.
- Encourage the employee to use Finnish.
- Ensure everyone in the workplace is aware of the pocketbook and how they can help with language learning.
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©2023 Hanna Aho ja Metropolia AMK
Taskuvihko-materiaali, maaliskuu 2023, jonka tekijä on Hanna Aho, on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssillä. Materiaali on saatavilla osoitteessa kielibuusti.fi. Valokuvien osalta kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.