The pocketbook method supports language learning at work
Pocketbook supports language learning
The pocketbook makes the learner into an active observer. They start paying attention to how they can learn the language in interactive situations during the work day. When they watch a colleague or an instructor work, they can listen to the discussion between the colleague and the customer and write down good phrases. Or if they don't know what to say, they can write down the situation and later ask a colleague what to say in a similar situation. In this way, they learn appropriate words and phrases for their own needs.
It is a good idea to use the pocketbook systematically as part of language learning at the workplace. When an international student starts a traineeship or work placement, they can be given the first pocketbook and instructions on how to use it. They can talk with the Finnish language teacher about the issues or situations they should pay attention to in the work. The teacher can also advise on how to ask for support from colleagues. Above all, they are encouraged to use Finnish and increase their language proficiency at the workplace with the support of a colleague or instructor.
When learning language skills that you need in working life, Google Translate is not enough. The risk of translation errors is obvious if the learner starts looking for a match for a certain word from Google Translate instead of having the courage to rely on a professional language expert: a colleague working alongside them. The pocketbook gives them the support they need to learn the language in the moment and in the way they need it.
In order to learn to apply what they have learned in different situations at the workplace, use of language must be flexible and creative. When the nurse has hands full with a bed-bound patient, there is no time to dig up a phone and search for what to say. They must have the preparedness to use appropriate language in the situation without aids. In these situations, a colleague or instructor is a more useful support than Google.
The pocketbook makes the learner into an active observer. They start paying attention to how they can learn the language in interactive situations during the work day. When they watch a colleague or an instructor work, they can listen to the discussion between the colleague and the customer and write down good phrases. Or if they don't know what to say, they can write down the situation and later ask a colleague what to say in a similar situation. In this way, they learn appropriate words and phrases for their own needs.
The pocketbook increases the learner's ownership of their own learning. They feel that they are working in a concrete manner to learn the language at the workplace, not just on a language course. Language is part of life, and attention can be paid to it also at the workplace. The learner does not only have to rely on what they have learned on a language course or from a textbook but they are constantly learning based on their needs.
The pocketbook is one way to implement the language agreement developed in the Tokasa project, which is concluded between the traineeship place and the student before the start of the traineeship. The language agreement also includes other practices that support the student's language learning during the traineeship.
The advantage of the pocketbook is that it activates the colleagues and instructors of the person learning Finnish to support them in the language learning process. They notice what is difficult for this specific learner and are able to provide concrete help. It is like a permission to take a moment with the language for both parties. This can be a good experience for both: the learner learns new things and the colleague’s language awareness and understanding of the language learner and the language learning process increases.
The basic idea behind the Language Boost project is that language can be learned in all places and the surrounding community must be involved, as language is not learned in a vacuum but in social situations. The pocketbook is an excellent way to activate the work community to support the language learning process. At the same time, it gives the members of the work community an overview of what is on the learner’s mind, what they can do with their current language skills, and what still needs to be supported by others. This way, it is also possible to dispel the excessive expectations of the work communities that the new employee should already be a master of Finnish before starting work.
The workplace is one of the best environments for learning the language needed in work situations. The Finnish language teacher can guide the learner to utilise opportunities, but above all, the support of the work community can be an important factor in creating a positive atmosphere and providing concrete support.
©2023 Hanna Aho & Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Pocketbook material, March 2023, produced Hanna Aho, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The material can be found at Photos: All rights reserved.