Career and study advisors and HEIs

TOKASA training videos for workplace instructors

The videos produced in the TOKASA project (Toiminnallisesti kaksikielinen sairaanhoitajakoulutus; Practical bilingual nursing education) provide tips for workplace instructors on how to guide nursing students who are just learning Finnish in a language-aware manner. Discussion assignments related to the videos support instructors and students in preparing for work placements.
Library shelves with people walking behind them.
Photo: Riitta Supperi. All rights reserved.

The videos produced in the TOKASA project provide tips for workplace instructors on how to guide students who are just learning Finnish in a language-aware manner. You can watch the videos on the TOKASA project’s YouTube channel or on the TOKASA project's training video page.  

The videos are in Finnish with subtitles in Finnish and English. You can turn subtitles on and off from the symbol at the bottom of the video. Click the Settings icon to change the language or video speed.

As a part of the Language Boost project, discussion tasks related to the videos have been created to support instructors and nursing students in preparing for traineeships. Some of the tasks would be good for the practical training instructors to discuss together, while others are tasks that the instructors can discuss together with the students before traineeships and language practices. Discussions can be held in Finnish or English.  

Preparing for traineeships: discussion tasks for training videos

It is a good idea to complete the discussion tasks related to the videos before the traineeship. Most of the tasks are related to the hospital environment, but some of the themes are common for all language learners. 

Pick the videos and assignments that are best suited for your student group here! 

©2023 Eveliina Korpela ja Metropolia AMK

Tehtävät videoihin on lisensoitu CC-BY Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssillä. Materiaali on saatavilla osoitteessa 

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