Everyday language use at work

Everyday language use at work

Toolbox for a multi-language working community. The toolbox will be completed in autumn 2023 and spring 2024.

The audience is listening to a man talking into a microphone.

Organising a multilingual event

Tips for organising a successful event for multilingual participants.

Everyday language use at work
Hands are holding a pen and there's a notebook on the table.

The pocketbook method supports language learning at work

The pocketbook is a concrete tool that activates the language learner and the colleagues as well.

Internship advisors
Two persons talking and looking at the screen of a mobile phone.

Make a language learning plan (Language-PSP)

A tool to discuss language proficiencies and career planning.

Study counsellors in higher education
Three persons are talking together.

Multilingual practises at workplaces

Videos on multilingualism and language practices at the workplace.

Everyday language use at work
Kuvitus kahdesta hahmosta työpaikalla. Toisella hahmoista on käsi nyrkissä ja hän osoittaa peukalollaan olkapäänsä taakse.

Näin tuet ja rohkaiset kielenoppijaa työpaikalla

Vinkkejä, kuinka ottaa kehittyvä kielitaito huomioon ja rohkaista käyttämään suomea tai ruotsia!

Työpaikan arki
Hands are holding a pen and there's a notebook on the table.

Language contract

Coming in 2024.

Everyday language use at work

How to speak easy Finnish?

Coming in autumn 2023.

Everyday language use at work
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